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A Mixtape, Lyrics, Notes, Coloring Book, & Exclusive Artwork

Dequadray! a black sitcom March 2018

With the nostalgia of the 90s and a smooth, fresh voice, his lyrics touch on subjects of love, growth, and his experiences of being Black and Queer. Rapper and singer, Dequadray blends Hip-Hop with funk, soul, and gospel in an incredibly cohesive way.  With his debut project, "Dequadray! A Black Sitcom", he invites you to the metaphorical set of his life and experiences that seem too odd to be true or the cameras must be rolling. Nevertheless, he does not take defeat as the end all be all; he continues to grow as everything around and within him tends to change.

Dequadray! A Black Sitcom Official Album

ANTARESNovember 2018

ANTARES is the heart of the Scorpius constellation and it demands we ‘take a stand’ for our truth against the established order directing our lives when those authorities are no longer in our best interest nor supporting our evolutionary freedom.

A step into my multidimensional realm of colors and emotions that I enter on a daily basis filled with experiences that I had to transport you to so you could believe me. Life until this point has been a constant journey of reclaiming my true nature in the midst of worldly wickedness. Hear me conquer the tough terrain of love and normality with my superpower, truth.

Tone Madison's Top 20 Records of 2018



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